Full Day Pre-K3 & PRE-K 4Mon-Fri.
Contact the office for details.
Pre K has moved from Montessori learning to a more center based/small group learning program. We focus on the individual needs of each child to form small groups so that they may grow and learn at their own pace.
When in a whole group setting, we focus on social skills, listening, following step by step instructions, and developing motor skills.
We strive to make each student independent in the classroom by giving them routines to follow throughout the day, especially during transition periods.
We teach language arts, math, science, social studies, art and religion. Students are given a wide variety of curriculum-based activities to make learning engaging, fun and stimulating.
Highlights Include:
-First Reconciliation and First Communion (2nd)
-Saints Project
-Dinosaur Project
-Field Trips to the Perot and the theater
-Pumpkin Character Project
-Mass Buddies (K partnered with 6th)
-Book Publishing
Highlights Include:
-Pioneer Day
-Greek Festival
-Altar Server Training
-Lector Training
(GRADES 6-8)
Highlights Include:
-Pines Trip
-Required service hours
-Mass Buddies (K partnered with 6th)
-Social Studies Project
-Science Fair
-Education Opens Doors
-Resume Writing/Visits to Local Catholic High Schools
-Student Ambassadors
-Catholic Pro-Life Committee: Character Development
-TeenStar Chastity/Human Sexuality Program
-Mid-term and final exam prep for High School
We have a library with content-appropriate material for all grades. We also host a book fair, and monitor reading through an Accelerated Reader program. We also use Accelerated Math, SumDog, and 8th Grade Algebra in our curriculum to track student learning.
Students attend Technology Class in our computer lab each week, and our classrooms are equipped with SmartBoards and projectors to enhance student learning.
On Fridays, the students attend Art Class and learn about artists and various techniques.
We offer music class 4 times/week.
Students receive Spanish instruction once a week, and have PE 4 times/week.
Through our Title funds, we are able to offer additional academic and social/emotional support to our students through Catapult.
Our Catapult assigned reading interventionist for the spring semester is Mrs. Enriquez. She can be reached at sam.enriquez@catapultlearning.com.
Our Catapult assigned counselor for this year is Mrs. Gregory. She may be reached at regina.gregory@catapultlearning.com.