• A Patron can be an individual, a foundation, a company, or a group of people that eagerly step up with their resources in assisting a school. This support positively impacts the lives of the students it serves.

  • Patrons invest their time, talent, and treasure to provide council, expertise, and needed funding.

  • $15,000 and above Partners in Mission

    $10,000 to $14,999 Advisor’s Circle

    $5,000 to $9,999 Principal’s Guild

    $3,000 to $4,999 Beacons of Hope

    $1,500 to $2,999 Circle of Saints

    $500 to $1,499 The Green and Gold Club

    $250 to $499 Friends of St. Cecilia

    Gifts up to $249 Supporters of St. Cecilia

    Gifts of any amount St. Cecilia Champion

Give by
Check or phone

St. Cecilia Catholic School 635 Mary Cliff Road Dallas, Texas 75208




These gifts provide major support for ongoing development at St. Cecilia Catholic School. We are grateful to all who participate in the life of our school by making a commitment to the future of our outstanding scholars and faculty. Your generous gift will be recognized in the annual gratitude report.

For questions and more information about the Patrons Program Contact Us: ltorrez@stcecilia1935.org

