Ms. Daynia Keel
Ms. Keel is originally from Greenville, Pennsylvania. She also lived in Jacksonville, Florida for 17 years before moving to Dallas. She’s lived in Dallas for 15 years.
Ms. Keel earned an Elementary Education Degree (Grades 1-6), graduating in 1998 from the University of North Florida. Her current certification is in EC-4. In total, she has been teaching for 20 years.
Ms. Keel looks forward to working hard to make St. Cecilia a school everyone would want to come to.
Ms. Keel has two daughters in their 30’s, and 5 grandchildren ranging in ages from 2-14 years-old. She adores dogs. She has 4 rescues and loves their dog adventures. She bought a house 2 years ago and enjoys working in the yard and gardening. When it’s too hot, she likes watching crime shows.